Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is my first attempt at a blog. I'm not making any promises that I will update it regularly, but just bear with me, because when it is updated, it will be worth it!

First off, let me start by introducing myself. I am Jennifer a full time working mama to a VERY demanding 4.5 year old daughter, Emerson. I have been married for 9.5 wonderful years to my husband David. He is the most thoughtful and compassionate man (most of the time!). We are a Christian family that try to serve God to the best of our ability. Christians aren't perfect and neither are we!

David is a housemover. Yep, that's right! He picks up houses and moves them. He loves his job!

I work full time outside of the home at an insurance company.

I will post updates later to our Christmas Celebration.

Thanks for reading this far and hopefully, I will be updating regularly.